Students entering grades 8-11 in the fall are eligible to volunteer at St. John’s Summer Program.
Volunteers must be willing and able to commit to the hours of 7:45am – 3pm for the full week during which they would like to volunteer.
Volunteers will follow the same schedule as the instructors: Daily Mass from 8:00-8:30am followed by opening song and prayer in the gym, class, group lunch, theology and Eucharistic Adoration. Volunteers must be agreeable to participating in the full experience, beginning with daily Mass and ending with Eucharistic Adoration and a brief daily wrap-up meeting. If desired, and with approval, volunteers may elect to stay longer than 3:00pm to help with after care.
Volunteering will be done on a week-by-week basis. There is no need to sign-up in advance to volunteer for a week. Just show up that Monday morning and sign in at the SJSP office. At the end of every week, volunteers will be evaluated by their mentor instructors and the Program Director/Assistant Directors. Volunteers with positive evaluations will be invited back.
In late May, all volunteers who have registered online will receive an email invitation to the Volunteer Welcome/Orientation Night that usually takes place during the first or second week of June.
Uniform/Dress Code: While working, all volunteers, be they gentlemen or women, shall wear shorts that reach six inches or less from the knees, jeans or pants (women may also wear dresses/skirts that fall below the knee) and shall wear a camp volunteer tee-shirt (provided at no cost). Yoga style pants are not acceptable. Volunteers deemed not dressed to code will be sent home to change.
All questions or concerns regarding volunteering should be directed to Rich Olon at rolon@sjchollywood.org.
Important - All volunteer applicants will receive an email at the end of May with information about volunteering and our Volunteer Welcome/Orientation meeting which will be held in early June. You will not hear from us until then.